Welcome to my Blog

I am pleased to welcome you to my blog and though I am a complete novice when it comes to blogging I am excited by the possibilities it presents and look forward to showing you my work, the work that some of my students produce and to answering any questions you may have about aspects of the work, techniques used or just discussing painting and drawing.

Friday, 31 January 2014

'Seaspray' A Study In Pastel

The above scene of a wave breaking over the rocks was painted in Artists soft pastels, to this stage as a demonstration to the lovely Black Cat Art Group of Shanklin I promised that I would finish it off and put it here on my blog so that everyone could see the finished painting and below is the finished piece.

This photograph of the finished painting is closer to the true colour though is not quite right. The first stage painted as the demonstration took around two hours and the finishing of it took a further 2.5 hours. It is 47 x 33 cm in size and is painted mostly with Unison soft pastels on Pastelmat charcoal grey pastel paper. 

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Pastel Painting Workshop

Borthwood Copse
Hidecote Manor Wild Garden

I am running a two day pastel painting workshop on January 25th and 26th at Quarr Abbey from 10.00 to 16.00 both days (lunch 12.30 til 13.30) at a cost of £60 per person. I have a few spaces left, if you are interested in joining us please let me know ASAP and I will book you in. This is a wonderful medium and one that is forgiving and very expressive! You don't have to have any pastels to come and have a go!

Monday, 13 January 2014

TV Debut

My first demonstration for Television went out today on the SAA's 'A Splash Of Paint' programme. I paint a sketch of Dartmoor in Winsor and Newton's 'Artisan' water-mixable oils which  though I was dreading seeing for the first time, was better than I imagined it to be. There will be other appearances in weeks to come so stay tuned as they say.

Viewable on Sky 191, Freesat 400, on the SAA website :- www.saa.co.uk and on youtube (next week).

A studio painting from the sketch produced on TV