Welcome to my Blog

I am pleased to welcome you to my blog and though I am a complete novice when it comes to blogging I am excited by the possibilities it presents and look forward to showing you my work, the work that some of my students produce and to answering any questions you may have about aspects of the work, techniques used or just discussing painting and drawing.

Monday, 13 October 2014

The Glory of the Lake District

The Inspirational Lake District

Lake Coniston from the Northern Shore

Lake Windermere from Waterhead

Lake Coniston from HF Holidays House 'Monk Coniston' (an oil sketch)

These three paintings are the result of sketches and photographs done whilst tutoring  a holiday at Monk Coniston last year for HF Holidays. The oil sketch was created on the spot as a demonstration whilst the two above are studio paintings resulting from field trips. I leading another landscape painting holiday at Monk Coniston next year, why not come and have a go yourself!