Welcome to my Blog

I am pleased to welcome you to my blog and though I am a complete novice when it comes to blogging I am excited by the possibilities it presents and look forward to showing you my work, the work that some of my students produce and to answering any questions you may have about aspects of the work, techniques used or just discussing painting and drawing.

Friday, 20 March 2015

New Project

Winter Scene, Calbourne Stage I

Having drawn the very basic shapes of the trees and landscape I then gave the canvas an acrylic wash of Raw Sienna sealing the graphite down, killing the white of the canvas and making tonal value and colour choice much easier.

Brook Coastguard Cottages

Brook Coastguard Cottages Stage III

Trees, cottages, telegraph poles and rough verge of the field have been painted in. I like the way the telegraph poles show that the lane outside of the cottages runs around the bend into the distance but you can't see where it leads to. Stage IV will be the painting of the field in the foreground which as you can see takes up approximately 1/3 of the picture plane, the interest is the sky and cottages so the foreground will be kept relatively simple.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Newtown Creek

Newtown Creek

I have just finished this painting of Newtown Creek which is as a partner to the earlier Newtown Bird Hide painting (can be seen here), this too is an acrylic at 60 x 20 centimeters.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Stage XI

Stage XI

Here we have the addition of the last few sailing dinghies and the reflected hulls. The next and possibly final stage will be the painting of the mooring buoys, masts and rigging and some more movement lines in the water, Watch this space...

Monday, 16 March 2015

Brook Coastguard Cottages

Here is a new painting that I am working on along with a few others. It is the row of coastguard cottages at Brook as seen from the Military Road, here I have put in the sky in Artisan water-mixable oils after the initial drawing and dull pink acrylic wash was applied. Next stage will be the trees and then the cottages themselves before putting in the foreground.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Yar Stage X

Yar Stage X

Here more boats have been added with the first of the work on the reflections. When the final few boats have been painted in the front of the line of moorings then  the masts and their reflections can be added to the whole, it is important to paint the object before painting the reflection as it needs to be in the right place and to be able to observe the fact that light colours reflect darker and dark colours reflect lighter!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Yar Stage IX

Stage IX

Here I have added the two boats on the right in shades of Prussian Blue, Payne's Gray, Zinc White (mixing) and Titanium White for the brighter highlights. Next is the final detailing on the right i.e masts and a couple more posts and then it is on to the row of sailing dinghies through the centre.