Welcome to my Blog

I am pleased to welcome you to my blog and though I am a complete novice when it comes to blogging I am excited by the possibilities it presents and look forward to showing you my work, the work that some of my students produce and to answering any questions you may have about aspects of the work, techniques used or just discussing painting and drawing.

Monday, 28 November 2016

'Into The Farmyard, Widecombe' Final Stage

Here in the final stage I strengthened the lights and darks of the hedges and grass verges, put in the shadows, leafs, suggested some stones and detritus, painted the dappled light in the foreground and finally painted some stronger shadow lines under the roofs of the outbuildings to make them a little more three dimensional. I could have gone on fiddling but this is not a good thing to do so I signed it and called it finished!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Into the Farmyard, Widecombe Stage III

Into The Farmyard, Widecombe Stage III

I have added detailing to the foliage of the trees on both sides of the painting, put in some vegetation around the base of the buildings and indicated the tree trunks on the right. I have also put more work into the hedgerow and grass verge on the left and finally I have done a little more basic work to the track and ground either side. Next I will work up the detail of the foreground and then the highlight which will be the dappled sunlight of the entrance and track.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Short Listed on Jackson's Art Drawing Competition

I have been short listed for the Jackson's art drawing competition and it is now going to public vote on Facebook. If you like my drawing in pen and ink of Great Dixter I would much appreciate your vote! See the link below.

'Great Dixter'


Thursday, 17 November 2016

Landscape Painting in Artisan Water-mixable Oils

My book has gone to re-print and is now available once again and can be ordered through my web site shop at www.murrayince.com at a special price of only £7.99 + P&P for the first 50. I will of course sign your copy if you like. It contains much information and some step by step demonstrations.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Into the Farmyard, Widecombe Stage II

Into the Farmyard, Widecombe Stage II

I have done a little more work on this painting since it started life as a demonstration at the Isle of Wight Art Club last month. I have worked up the buildings in the farmyard and strengthened some of the surrounding trees. Watch this space for the next stage!