Welcome to my Blog

I am pleased to welcome you to my blog and though I am a complete novice when it comes to blogging I am excited by the possibilities it presents and look forward to showing you my work, the work that some of my students produce and to answering any questions you may have about aspects of the work, techniques used or just discussing painting and drawing.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Stage II & III

Stage II 

An Acrylic wash of Alizarin Crimson, White and a touch of Raw Umber was applied over the initial drawing after the oil painting proper was started. A simple sky of Cobalt Blue, and Zinc (mixing) White with a touch of Raw Umber starts the sky at the top adding a little more white as I paint down the sky and in the lowest third of the sky a little Alizarin Crimson is added to warm the sky a little. The downs are painted next with various mixes of Cobalt Blue, Cadmium Yellow Light (thank God the EEC didn't ban the Cadmium colours from production) Raw Umber, Raw Sienna and Zinc White. All of the greens to this stage are produced using these same basic colurs. Next is some light details in those distant trees, not too much at that distance.

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